I don't know that this statement could be any more straight forward and direct. At an early age we are taught that song "I Am a Child of God" but has it ever really sunk in? Do you understand who you are?
Reality is: God is our Father and we (all of us) are His children. As soon as we understand that, kneeling in prayer becomes our very nature.
Developing and nourishing a relationship with our Father is essential in our lives. We need Him. As we draw near, we will find safety, peace, hope, relief and happiness. In this day and age there is no room for occasional discipleship. Now is the time to learn of Him, know Him, and strive to become like Him. And most important, testify of Him.
My challenge to you: If prayer is a struggle look at your relationship with Him and mend it. Allow prayer to become a piece of you. You don't have to do it alone.
In the words of President Dieter F. Uchtodorf, "As we draw near to Heavenly Father, we become more holy. And as we become more holy, we will overcome disbelief and our souls will be filled with His blessed light. As we align our lives with this supernal light, it leads us out of darkness and toward greater light. This greater light leads to the unspeakable ministerings of the Holy Spirit, and the veil between heaven and earth can become thin."
The blessings are without number as we allow ourselves to draw Near to our Father in Heaven. Allow yourself to know Him and He will draw you to your knees. Remember who you are.