Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Lord's Side of The Line

Captured by Michael Palmer
"Being steadfast and immovable on the Lord's side of the line is the only strategy that works long-term against Lucifer. If the adversary can't get us to succumb to blatant evil, he tries to wear us down, weaken our resolve, and dim our memory of who we are. He promotes the Sin  Now, Pay Later Plan. He feeds our vanity with promises of popularity and power. He tells us that life is supposed to be easy and that if we experience undeserved pain the gospel much not be true. He always promises shortcuts, though there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going. But he cannot duplicate joy or peace. That is why there is such safety on the Lord's side of the line, where the power of the priesthood and the Holy Ghost protect us." - Sheri Dew Saying It Like It Is

I find this quote to be absolutely true. Isn't this how Satan works on each of us every single day of our lives? Isn't this the things he puts into our mind when we are having a hard time? I have found that over the last little while as I have struggled with things that Satan tries so hard to ease his way in. He tries so hard to make me feel like nothing but a pile of dirt. BUT I know that when I am on the Lord's side of the line and I let Him teach and comfort me I feel peace and joy. I know that those are two things that Satan cannot duplicate. Embracing the gospel and continuing on the Lord's side brings joy! Joy that is not existing anywhere else. I know this to be true because I have felt it.


  1. Shantell,
    I love reading your blog and the testimony that you have of our loving Father in Heaven. Your words are inspiring and uplifting. thank you.

  2. Anonymous,
    Whoever you are I really appreciate your kind words. I thank you for reading the blog. Its good to know that things like help others beside just myself! May our Heavenly Father bless you
