Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To Walk with Heads Held High

September 2010 New Era Magazine, pg. 11

 As I am now coming upon more time in my life to do those things I continually hunger for as part of my study of the gospel, I have come upon many talks that have really warmed my soul. I have learned a lot of things recently and I feel as though bursting with feeling for Jesus Christ and testifying of His Gospel and Divinity as Our Savior. I know that through genuine love and devotion we are given trials and weaknesses by Our Heavenly Father so that we might be strengthened in the process. After being baptized and confirmed it is our Duty and Destiny to endure to the end in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We may all know that life here on Earth is not merely our final destination, but is a journey. Life is a journey that will lead us home to our Father in Heaven if we choose to endure to the end. This thought today is one that I find very helpful and true. 

"For those who eschew evil and live good lives, who strive for a brighter day and keep the commandments of God, things can get better and better even in the face of tragedy. The Savior showed us the way. From Gethsemane, the cross, and the tomb, He rose triumphant, bringing life and hope to us all. He bids us, 'Come, follow me' (Luke 18:22).
"President Thomas S. Monson has counseled: 'If we are to walk with head held high, we must make our contribution to life. If we are to fulfill our destiny and return to live with our Father in Heaven, we must keep His commandments and pattern our lives after the Savior. By so doing, we will not only achieve our goal of eternal life, but we will also leave the world richer and better than it would have been had we not lived and performed our duties' (Thomas S. Monson, used with permission)." - Keith B. McMullin, "Our Path of Duty," Ensign, May 2010, 13

We must live with our heads held high and if we do so we must make our contribution to this life. We have been given a course to follow. Let us all seek after the light of Christ and live with our head held high. Smile at someone you don't know this week and make your contribution to this life so that your future may be brighter in the life to come! Continue with a great week! Make it good! :)

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