Sunday, January 9, 2011

Who You Are Becoming

(Lost and Found © Greg Olsen)
The last year has come and gone and it's time for a new year. As I have thought long and hard the last week I have questioned who I am becoming and where I am going. As I start off this new year I would like to share with you a couple quotes that have hit home the last little while. I received a wonderful book for Christmas called Saying It Like It Is by Sheri Dew and as I have read through some of the quotes this is what I have found.

"Ultimately we will become what we give our hearts to, for we are shaped by what we desire and seek after. If we love the Lord such that our hearts are changed, His image will fill our countenances. But if we love the world more, we'll slowly take upon us those characteristics." - Sheri Dew

From the beginning God has seen us by who we really are. He knows us more than we could ever know ourselves and His love for us has no end. We have been so blessed to live in this time where are are continually preparing for the return of Our Savior. We are all very special and there is a special purpose for each of us. This last quote has shown me a lot about who we all are in God's eyes. You decide what it means to you...  " Noble and Great. Courageous and determined. Faithful and fearless. That is who you are and who you have always been. And understanding it can change your life, because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way." - Sheri Dew I hope that each of us can feel this way about ourselves in one point of our lives or another. We are all God's children and no matter how many times Satan makes us feel otherwise we are and we can feel that through peace. Peace is something Satan can never feel and he can never replicate it. We are determined to overcome him and we will each day as we remain faithful and fearless. I hope that I can do better at remembering who I can become and where I really want to go. I hope you all have a great week! Make it good :)

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